Green Hess: Sustainability and ecology in lighting
Protection of our planet is one of the central challenges of our time. And also concerns outdoor lighting, which has an impact on nature. For this reason, we are intensively concerned with sustainability and ecology in this area. We recently addressed the trend towards warmer light colours, for example, with the introduction of our Amber light colour (1800 Kelvin).
Earth and light –
Environmental protection in outdoor lighting
However, environmental protection in outdoor lighting goes beyond the topic of light colour – i.e. „light pollution“. Simply explained, this is the brightening of the night sky by means of artificial light sources. This affects plants, animals and not least us humans.
This effect has many different causes. The design of the luminaires, including the lighting design, plays a central role. The widely held belief that long-wave light, with a lower proportion of blue, is the solution falls short and is not conclusively scientifically proven.
Environmentally friendly outdoor lighting starts beforehand – in the product and project planning.
The goals:
- A maximum reduction of stray light upwards (ULOR =Upper Light Output Ratio),
- a light colour that is precisely matched to the respective lighting situation, as well as
- a lighting intensity adapted to actual needs.
On the design side, there are a variety of ways to achieve a low ULOR. For example: A luminaire canopy, adjustable luminaire heads, precise optics or reflectors. Shields can also be used to direct the light precisely to where it is needed, thus avoiding unwanted „light dispersion“, i.e. light pollution.
Professional lighting design ensures that light sources are optimally placed and perfectly oriented. In addition, intelligent control and dimming systems enable ideal adjustment of the lighting or is intensity to the actual needs.
The spectrum here ranges from firmly defined light reduction steps to sensor-controlled lighting – both guarantee optimal results. Conclusion: Pioneering luminaire construction, sophisticated lighting design and active, intelligent control and dimming systems help to reduce light pollution to a minimum.
In this way, we protect our world and – last but not least – also save money. This is environmental protection that benefits everyone.
Light, naturally seen –
Sustainability and ecology in outdoor lighting
There is a greater awareness of environmental and species protection today than ever before. This also applies to outdoor lighting, which has an impact on nature as an artificial light source. For example, there are currently various efforts to switch from cold to warmer colour temperatures, such as 3000 Kelvin, with a focus on insect-friendliness.
e are already taking this development into account with the introduction of significantly warmer light temperatures, including our new light colour Amber with 1800 K.
At 2700 K, the blue component is already significantly reduced compared to 3000 K, though maintaining a pleasant colour rendering index that offers a corresponding visual comfort. Our phosphor-converted Amber lies in a high, reddish colour spectrum. The proportion of blue and the associated impacts on humans and the environment are thus greatly minimised.
In contrast to the colour Real Amber, Amber (1800 K) has a higher efficiency. In addition, the spectral distribution is greater due to the phosphorus. Effect: Improved colour rendering index of illuminated surfaces and objects.
A significant reduction in light emission, also known as “light pollution”, is ensured by the our highly efficient LED luminaires, combined with precise optics for optimal control of light direction as well as a wide range of intelligent control and dimming systems. In this way we bring together the requirements of environmental and species protection with an attractive design of the outdoor space at the same time!
We produce at our site in Villingen-Schwenningen. Our depth of added value is accordingly high – and our distances are accordingly short. Since 2011, we have been certified with our environmental management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001, and since 2015 also in accordance with EMAS (Eco- Management and Audit Scheme), the seal of approval of the European Union. EMAS is one of the most demanding systems for sustainable environmental management worldwide.
Compliance with legal requirements and regulations is a matter of course for us.
In addition, due to our EMAS certification, we undergo an annual audit, which takes the form of a comprehensive environmental audit. Our environmental statement is publicly available. It is validated by an independent environmental verifier supervised by the State.
The requirements of DIN EN ISO 14001 are part of EMAS, we also have an ISO 14001 certificate. Due to our EMAS certification, we also fulfil the energy audit obligation in accordance with the Energy Services Act (EDL-G).
Intelligent control systems
For needs-based control of the light, the DAVLIK luminaire can be connected to various control systems by Hess. DIMPro for example, allows for an individually adaptable control of the light intensity. You will continue to benefit from this additional efficiency increase for a long time. The simple and efficient maintenance concept allows for quick and easy replacement of the LED modules.
The controller fitted as standard with a DALI interface can easily be integrated into a DALI controlled lighting system.
The luminaires‘ factory default programming is intended for single-stage night-time dimming (30, 50, or 70 %). The control is integrated in the ballast and operates via an additional 230 V control lead.
The customer can specify up to two night-time dimming stages (for example 80 % and 40 %) over a continuous dimming range from 10 to 100 %. The relevant values are preset at the factory. The driver determines the theoretical midnight time based on switchon and switch-off and dims to preset times before and after this theoretical midnight. This is a selfcontained and stand-alone system which requires no additional equipment.
With the addition of a movement detector and an antenna in the luminaire housing plus an external master module equipped with GPS an intelligent dimming schedule can be implemented. The master module transmits location, date and time to other luminaires in the system. The system’s data can be remotely accessed and new software versions uploaded if required.
The LED luminaires offer one night-time dimming stage (10 – 100 %) along with the capacity to add a second, freely defined level, for example if a car passes in the street. The luminaires can be pre-programmed or programmed on site.